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Accounting Equation
Accounting Equation Commercial accounting is the key factor for the accounting equation which means that there must be matching debi...
Evaluation of Inventory Valuation
Evaluation of Inventory Valuation The true Inventory valuation is very important for showing the true and fair picture of financial stateme...
What is Cost Accounting- Types
What is Cost Accounting? Cost accounting is a separate branch of accounting mainly concerned with calculating the cost of production of dif...
What is Income Tax Accounting
What is Income Tax Accounting? The fundamental accounting for income taxes is to perceive tax liabilities for estimated income taxes pa...
Types of Forensic Investigation- Definition
What is Forensic Investigation and it's Types? Forensic examining covers a wide range of exercises, with wording not entirely charact...
Is Audit pressure must be on organisations
Is Audit pressure must be on organisations? The auditors, at times, have even started stopping the audit command, while in numerous othe...
Why is it called a balance sheet?- Definition, Components, Formula, Examples
Why is it called a balance sheet? Overview A balance sheet is the most important part of accounting. It is very useful for management. credi...
Cash Flow Analyzer | Importance, Effects
Overview One of the biggest challenges facing an entrepreneur is the management of cash flow. It's never easy to get an accurate estim...
Depreciation and its types/ Meaning, Methods, Examples
Depreciation and its types To understand what is balance sheet its quite important depreciation and it's types.So first we should know w...